Merchant Navy Trainings > Student Life at Campus
The campus provides serene and fresh atmosphere conducive to focussed studies and training the students are able to utilise all the time for learning and concentrating on career building with no external distraction. Pre-Sea training is exclusively structured curriculum under D.G. Shipping guidelines and IMU. Every student is expected to focus on training. The students need to follow rigidly time table from morning 6.00 A.M. to 9 P.M. This time table will challenge students mentally, Physically and Morally. Student's also have many extracurricular activities that allow them to expand their horizons outside the classroom. All festivals are celebrated for the students within the campus to make them feel at home. Independence Day and Republic day in particular are celebrated with great enthusiasm to infuse respect, love and affection for the country. We believe that each student is an ambassador of the country, So the young minds are moulded in such a way that they become efficient seafarers and good Citizens. Students are encouraged to participate in sports and there are organized sports in the Campus. Outdoor games inculcate good habits of camaraderie, team work and temperament to excel. Eligibility Criteria Students have to stay in hostel within the campus. Each furnished cabin with attached toilets accommodates four students. Students are provided with individual cupboards and study tables. Dinning Hall Two dinning halls are provided exclusively for the candidates. Students are made to do self service keeping the environment clean and hygienic. Sports The campus provides for good out-door and indoor sports facilities including a well equipped Gym. Following Sports facilities are available at the Campus.
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